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About us

My Background


Has far back as I can recall, there as always been a dog in my life. Growing up in the country here in Canada we had dogs in our family as far back has I can remember. When I was a young boy, we had three dogs in our family, a small house dog and 2 large dogs. The small dog was a Pekineses, the large dogs, one a German Shepard and the other a Border Collie.


My favourite was always the German Shepard breed, one of the smartest dogs around and loyal to a tee. As I grew up we had more German Shepard dogs because they were a great breed to have in the country.


As I grew older I always wanted to become a veterinarian because of my love for animals of all kinds. But, in life sometimes we go in a different direction. My love for animals, especially dogs never went away.


Through out my years I have seen what having a dog for some people has prolonged there life’s. I’ve witnessed first hand how having a dog could save your life. The saying a dog is man’s best friend could never have been truer.


In my married life today, I have two small dogs. I live in a large city, where having a German Shepard would be great but I always believe that the space in the city is just to small for a large dog, like the German Shepard, although large dogs are very popular in the city I live in.


I truly believe in the adopt a pet programs offered through Humane Society for both Canada and the United States. If anyone is looking for a good dog, that would be the first place I would recommend to everyone. All you have to do, is see there faces and you would fall in love with your new pet.


Today, I want to help all dog owners with products that I know can help you both.


Check my website daily for new products added.


Send me a comment if there is something you are looking for and can not find.

Wishing you all the best,

Francis Kopp


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